Stay humble. Stay hungry. Stay faithful.

Landslagslägret fick Antonette Andersson att minnas ett bisarrt kyrkobesök i USA. Och en överdos av information har fått henne att tappa självförtroende. Men nu finns ingen tid till tvivel. Nu väntar VM!

This weekend, I attended National Training Camp filled with team-bonding, six hours of padel and one hour of physical training. But before I go on about camp, let me paint a quick picture of a surreal experience I had on my family vacation in the USA. Growing up in a Filipino-Catholic household, I have always associated church with quiet time for reflection.

However, at one of our nine stops along the West Coast this summer — Phoenix, Arizona — we were invited to attend a church service none of us were accustomed to. We walked in and there were cameras set up behind the “audience” and instead of an altar, there was a stage set up for what looked like a pop-rock concert. 


After the opening hymns with all of its special stage effects and back-up singers, the pastor took the stage with his slicked-back hair, trendy black rim glasses and worn-out skinny jeans. He delivered his sermon like an experienced stand-up comedian #minustheswearwords keeping us engaged and laughing as he told us his life story…


What does this have to do with the weekend’s training camp? Well, what struck me the most after having taken in the most bizarre church experience ever was the pastor’s favorite motto. He said no matter what life gives you, we should always stay humble, hungry and faithful. 


These words brought me comfort after our training weekend. Don’t get me wrong. It was wonderful getting together with the team, the sponsors, the coaches, physical trainer and seeing yet another gorgeous padel facility. It’s just that after receiving an overload of feedback and information, I did for a moment feel frustrated and discouraged. I thought, “I work so hard but I still have no idea how to play padel?”. Luckily the feeling subsided and I came to my senses #idontgiveupthateasily 


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Highest respect goes to the coaches for all the drills, and all of their time and patience. They know what they are talking about and push us to be our best. Their feedback is valuable and I am grateful for it. With it, I will be adding more entries to my To Do List for sure. #stayhumble


Along with an overload of information and feedback comes frustration, because things cannot be changed or improved within a snap of a finger. But I will keep striving to get better and will no doubt be determined to always fight on the court even if it’s not pretty. #stayhungry


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In turn, frustration and self-doubt can cause one to lose faith. But with only one and a half week left before a big team championship, there’s no time for that #aintnobodygotimefordat. I believe that Team Sweden is going to BuuuuuuuuRING IT #stayfaithful


Stay humble. Stay hungry. Stay faithful.


Enough psychology for now. Soon, it’s time for us to start packing our blues-and-yellows, sunscreen, hats, earplugs, flip-flops and maybe even a little “can of whoop-ass” #peptalk #mytexantenniscoachsaidthat #allthetime #mademegiggleeverytime    

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